High Holidays
5785 High Holidays
August 2024/Av 5784
Our staff, leadership and volunteers have been working diligently to provide our members and guests an inclusive, welcoming and warm environment. This year is no exception as we look forward to sharing the High Holy Days services with our Rumson Jewish Center at Congregation B’nai Israel family! We are delighted to hold in-person services in our Sanctuary, in addition to Live-streaming options.
We are honored to have Hazzan Ellen Miller Arad join us on the Bimah leading our High Holy Days services. Many of you had the pleasure to hear Hazzan Ellen’s chanting for us last year.
Those who have High Holy Days tickets included as a part of their membership will automatically be added to our check-in list. Our Gan families are not charged to attend services. Associate and Affiliate members will be charged for their tickets as is customary when they register. Tickets for Gan families, Associate and Affiliate members and extended family are available using the enclosed ticket form or registering online at our website. If family members are visiting who belong to a synagogue elsewhere, they may attend at no charge. Contact the main office to make appointments.
All services in our Sanctuary can be accessed through a link on our website or can be viewed on Facebook Live at the Rumson Jewish Center at Congregation B’nai Israel page at no charge.
Our ever popular in-person, Family Together Service will be held at 2:30pm on the first day of Rosh Hashanah and on Yom Kippur day in our Sanctuary – please check your email so you can register yourselves for this fun, interactive and meaningful family service.
We are thrilled at the return of “PRAY-GROUND”, a special holiday-themed program perfect for children ages 2-6 and their parents. It will take place on our playground (in the back of our building) and will be led by our Gan Director Suzanne Wycoff. In the event of inclement weather we will meet in our gym. This program will be held at 9:00 am on the first day of Rosh Hashanah and on Yom Kippur day.
For those attending by Livestream, there will be electronic access to the Machzor, or you may borrow a hard copy of the Lev Shalom Machzor by contacting the synagogue office. The Memorial Book for Yizkor is available in pdf format.
On behalf of the Officers and Board of Trustees, we extend best wishes to you and your family for a HEALTHY, happy and sweet New Year.
Dr. Eric Menell Robin Zager CBI President Trustee for Religious Life
2024/5784 High Holy Day Service Schedule
All Services in our Sanctuary/Social Hall will be live-streamed on our website or Facebook
Selichot/Saturday, September 28th 8:00 pm: Israeli Poetry After October 7th 8:15 pm: Havdalah Selichot Program 8:30 pm: Selichot ServicesErev Rosh Hashanah/Wednesday, October 2nd 7:30 pm: Sanctuary Service
Rosh Hashanah Day 1/Thursday, October 3rd 8:45 am: Sanctuary Service 9:00 am : Prayground 2:30 pm: Family Service – Sanctuary 5:00 pm: Tashlich Service – Marine Park, Red Bank
Rosh Hashanah Day 2/Friday, October 4th 8:45 am: Sanctuary Service 5:30 pm: Shabbat Services
Erev Yom Kippur/Kol Nidre/Friday, October 11th 6:15 pm (sharp): Kol Nidre – Sanctuary Service Yom Kippur/ Saturday, October 12th
8:45 am: Sanctuary Service
9:00 am - Prayground
10:00 am (approximately): Yizkor Service followed by Rabbi’s Sermon
2:30 pm: Family Service – Sanctuary
3:30 – 4:30 pm: Torah Study Session – Chapel
4:30 pm: Mincha & Neilah – Sanctuary
7:00 pm: Sounding of the Shofar
Cemetery Services/Sunday, October 6th at 11:30am
Cemetery Services at Congregation B’nai Israel Cemetery, Riverdale Ave., Tinton Falls
Sun, February 9 2025
11 Shevat 5785
Our building will be closed on Tuesdays beginning on June 25 - Labor Day. If you need immediate assistance please contact Tara Siers at tara.siers@rumsonjc.org.
Below is the link to previous Torah Study & Evening Learning Classes: You must enter password to view recordings, password is with link. Updated Weekly when classes are in session. CLASSES WILL RESUME AFTER THE HIGH HOLIDAYS.
Links to Aid Israel
Jewish Federation
Magen David Adom (Israeli Red Cross)
Go Fund Me sources are not vetted, so use with caution but this one is vetted by one of our Israeli synagogue members:
Go Fund Me:
Friends of the IDF
American Friends of Magan David Bloomberg Match afmda.org/bloomberg-match
JDC (American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee); Jewish relief organization based in New York City.
NATAL, The Israel Trauma and Resiliency Center; providing treatment and support to direct and indirect victims of trauma due to terror and war in Israel.
Sderot Foundation; providing resources to Israelis living on the border of Gaza.
Sokora Hospital; leading medical center in Israel and the only major hospital in southern Israel.
https://www.pizzaidf.org/ Sends food and supplies to IDF soldiers